Monday 16 June 2008

Nirvana frontman Kurt Cobain's ashes stolen

Kurt Cobain's ashes have apparently been stolen.

According to the [url= ]News Of The World[/url], the Nirvana frontman's remains � the location of which has previously been kept secret � were taken from the Los Angeles home if his widow Courtney Love.

The ashes were said to have been kept in a "pink teddy bear-shaped bag along with a lock of his hair" and were taken along with some of Love's jewellery and clothes.

Love is quoted by the paper as saying: "I can't believe anyone would take Kurt's ashes from me. I find it disgusting and right now I'm suicidal. If I don't get them back I don't know what I'll do."

Some of the Nirvana frontman's ashes were previously scattered near his home in Washington State and some at a New York Buddhist temple, with his widow retaining the rest.

She added: "They were all I had left of my husband. I used to take them everywhere with me just so I could feel Kurt was still with me. Now it feels like I have lost him all over again."